










Medical Expenses

• In cases of illness or injuries sustained by the traveler, within the Philippines, the Company will attend the usual, customary, necessary and reasonable costs of hospitalization, surgery, medical fees and pharmaceutical medicines prescribed by the attending physician or doctor. In cases of illness or injuries sustained by the traveler, within the Philippines, the Company will attend the usual, customary, necessary and reasonable costs of hospitalization, surgery, medical fees and pharmaceutical medicines prescribed by the attending physician or doctor.
  ◦ *Subject to Php 5,000 per claim

24-Hour Emergency Assistance

• In partnership with Ibero Asistencia, , the Company guarantees to provide the insured person with immediate material help in the form of financial benefit or services, when the Insured is in difficult situation as a result of an unforeseen event that occurred while the Insured is traveling.
   ◦ Medical Evacuation – if due to accident or sudden illness, the Company will take charge of transferring the Insured to a
   properly equipped health centre or back to the legal home residence.
   ◦ Emergency Repatriation/Return of Mortal Remains – the Company will make the arrangements necessary
   for the Philippines up to the limit provided in the Schedule of Benefit.
   ◦ Care or Minor Children – the Company will provide a suitable person to look after the minor children of under 15 years of
   age during the trip.
   ◦ Compassionate Visit - If a covered person traveling alone is likely to be hospitalized for more than five (5) days, the
   company will transport a family member or friend to the bedside.
   ◦ Other Emergency Assistance Services – that are also available are the following:
    ⁃ Emergency Dental Care up to Php25,000 (in excess of the 2,500.00/claim)
    ⁃ Locating and forwarding of baggage and personal effects
    ⁃ Prescription Assistance

Personal Accident

Accidental Death – pays a Lump Sum benefit in the event of death resulting from an accident;
Permanent Disablement or Dismemberment – pays a Lump Sum benefit according to the % schedule stated in the policy up to 100% of the Accidental Death;

Travel Plan (with Covid-19 cover)

 PLAN 500K
 With Covid Cover




 Short Term
 PLAN 1.0M




Eligible Age - 18 Years old to 60 Years old only

Annual - Anywhere within the Philippines only



Medical & Hospitalization

• If, on account of such injuries or illness, the Insured incurs medical expenses as defined herein, the Company will pay such actual expenses incurred up to the maximum amount specified in Benefit Schedule. • All reasonable and customary costs necessarily incurred outside the Philippines for hospital, surgical or other diagnostic or remedial treatment given or prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner. Dental or optical expenses are excluded unless incurred as the result of an emergency provided that all routine dental and optical treatment is completed prior to the journey.
  ◦ First Medical assistance incase of pre-existing condition/illness up to the specified amount in schedule of benefit
  ◦ Emergency Dental Care up to Php25,000 (in excess of the $50.00/claim)
  ◦ Follow-up Home Care
  ◦ Daily In-hospital Income, rate per day up to 15 days

24-Hour Emergency Assistance

• Medically Supervised Repatriation - Actual expense • Emergency services - Actual expense • Care for Minor Children - Actual expense • Compassionate Visit (max of 1 person) • Repatriation of Mortal Remains

Travel Inconvenience

• Location& Forwarding of Baggage & Personal Effects Flight Delay/Missed Connection - 4 hours onwards • Baggage Loss - 48 hrs. onwards • Baggage Delay - 6 hrs onwards • Relay of Urgent Messages • Trip Cancellation/Curtailment - in excess of $25 • Aircraft Hijacking, rate per day up to 7 days

Personal Accident

Accidental Death – pays a Lump Sum benefit in the event of death resulting from an accident; • Permanent Disablement or Dismemberment – pays a Lump Sum benefit according to the % schedule stated in the policy due to accident.   ◦Dependent Spouse/Parent(s) not above 60 years old   ◦Each dependent children 1 to 17 years old - (max of 2)Additional Burial Benefit

Loss of Personal Property/Money

Personal Liability

Travel Plan (with Covid-19 cover)

 With Covid Cover




 Short Term




Eligible Age - 18 Years old to 65 Years old only

Annual - Within ASIA countries only and excluding Philippines



Medical & Hospitalization

• If, on account of such injuries or illness, the Insured incurs medical expenses as defined herein, the Company will pay such actual expenses incurred up to the maximum amount specified in Benefit Schedule. • All reasonable and customary costs necessarily incurred outside the Philippines for hospital, surgical or other diagnostic or remedial treatment given or prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner. Dental or optical expenses are excluded unless incurred as the result of an emergency provided that all routine dental and optical treatment is completed prior to the journey.
  ◦ First Medical assistance incase of pre-existing condition/illness up to the specified amount in schedule of benefit
  ◦ Emergency Dental Care up to Php25,000 (in excess of the $50.00/claim)
  ◦ Follow-up Home Care
  ◦ Daily In-hospital Income, rate per day up to 15 days

24-Hour Emergency Assistance

• Medically Supervised Repatriation - Actual expense • Emergency services - Actual expense • Care for Minor Children - Actual expense • Compassionate Visit (max of 1 person) • Repatriation of Mortal Remains

Travel Inconvenience

• Location& Forwarding of Baggage & Personal Effects Flight Delay/Missed Connection - 4 hours onwards • Baggage Loss - 48 hrs. onwards • Baggage Delay - 6 hrs onwards • Relay of Urgent Messages • Trip Cancellation/Curtailment - in excess of $25 • Aircraft Hijacking, rate per day up to 7 days

Personal Accident

Accidental Death – pays a Lump Sum benefit in the event of death resulting from an accident; • Permanent Disablement or Dismemberment – pays a Lump Sum benefit according to the % schedule stated in the policy due to accident.   ◦Dependent Spouse/Parent(s) not above 60 years old   ◦Each dependent children 1 to 17 years old - (max of 2)Additional Burial Benefit

Loss of Personal Property/Money

Personal Liability

Travel Plan (with Covid-19 cover)

 With Covid Cover




 Short Term




Eligible Age - 18 Years old to 65 Years old only

Annual - Anywhere in the world excluding Philippines


The birth of MAA General Assurance Phil., Inc. (MAAGAP) took place when its parent company, MAA International Group Ltd. (MAAIG) from Malaysia ventured to strategically expand its business in Asia. MAAIG is an offshore composite insurance company licensed under the Offshore Insurance Act 1990 in Labuan International Offshore Financial Centre (IOFC) to underwrite life and general insurance and reinsurance business. Gearing for the planned expansion, MAA procured the insurance license of the then Paramount Insurance Corporation and renamed it MAA General Assurance Phil., Inc.

© 2024 MAA General Assurance Phils., Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Published on October 05, 2023